Get the Asda price feeling for less
Savings back into your Asda Rewards app Cashpot every time you shop with our Asda NHS discount!
Blue Light Card members can make their money go further with exclusive savings via the Asda Rewards app.
Want to save while you shop? Sign up, log in and start shopping online and in-store!
Reasons to sign up with Blue Light Card
If you're a member of the emergency services, NHS, social care sector, or armed forces, you can register and purchase your Blue Light Card for just £4.99 giving you two years access to more than 15,000 discounts on all your favourite brands – so you can save on everything from a coffee with friends to a brand-new car.

Over 2 million

Over 15,000
brand partners

99% of members
would recommend

94% of members
would renew