BLC Blog - Be more... You
The start of a brand-new year means facing up to new challenges as many of us look to take on the big changes we’ve been putting off. Getting to grips with new habits doesn’t have to be a hassle however!
\r\nAt Blue Light Card, we’re here to help you do more for less with super savings from our range of fantastic partners! Invest in yourself this January and start 2020 with a series of small changes and you’ll quickly start seeing how they add up!
\r\nLittle habits go a long way
\r\nWhether you’re decluttering your wardrobe, organising your inbox or giving the spare room a bit of a refresh; it can be tricky at first to get your head around how to approach the challenge.
\r\nIn addition to a deep clean declutter (where excess items are either donated or thrown out entirely, one of the key methods we’ve found to keep on top of clutter at home is by investing in handy storage solutions to maximise useable space and keep things hidden away.
\r\nBeing healthy starts at home
\r\nIt may be tempting to find that elusive quick fix to all those Christmas calories we may have consumed but be warned - fad diets aren’t a long-term solution and could be doing your body more harm than good.
\r\nIt’s important for any changes we make to be realistic and manageable. For quick and easy recipes that taste fab and make it super simple to cook delicious dinners from scratch, why not invest in HelloFresh? With Blue Light Card, you’ll even get £15 off your first four boxes as well as a cheeky £10 gift card so you can make your money (and time) go even further!
\r\nAlternatively, if you want to maximise your protein intake, make the most of your meal prep and stock up your freezer for the next few months, MuscleFood are offering an amazing FOUR free hampers (worth £56.62) to those who purchase a single HUGE New Years Hamper for just £65!
\r\nFind your fitness fix
\r\nJanuary is an excellent opportunity to get a head start and prioritise our long-term health. Make sure you maximise the impact of a healthy lifestyle change (regardless of what fitness goals you’re working towards) by combining proper nutrition with a steady cardio and weight-lifting routine.
\r\nFind a Puregym near you to start your new fitness adventure and save up to 10% off your membership with Blue Light Card.
\r\nAlternatively, if the gym is not your thing… why not try a home workout with Les Mills on Demand and save up to 30% off your monthly subscription.
\r\nBut! Don\'t forget your Gymshark gymwear with our 10% discount!
\r\nLife’s too short for negative thinking
\r\nAfter all the fun of the festive season, January can often feel like a bit of an anti-climax as we return to the normal daily routine. There are SO many ways in which you can approach the new year and sometimes the pressure to improve or change can all get a little overwhelming.
\r\n‘New year, New You’ doesn’t have to mean reinventing yourself entirely however! Small ‘treats’ - whether treating yourself to a fab meal out and night at the movies or settling down at home with a facemask and glass of something special - can help you relax and enjoy the little things!
\r\nEnjoy the journey AND the destination
\r\nDon’t forget to give yourself a bit of a break on the road to ‘being your best self’ - After all, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy the journey too!
\r\nWhy not find an escape from the drab, dreary winter weather by booking a fab trip away with hotels.com or Jet2Holidays? Whether you prefer a week of sun, sea and sangria, want to speed down snow-covered slopes, or treat the kids to some time away, you’ll be sure to find a trip to suit you with Blue Light Card!